10 of the best Rocket.Chat integrations

Gabriel Engel
February 12, 2018
min read

Rocket.Chat might have plenty of out-of-the-box features, but you can make it even more useful, efficient and fun with integrations.

Integrations (based on webhooks) connect the tools you already use with Rocket.Chat for a simplified workflow and improved team communication.

This post covers ten of the best integrations created by the Rocket.Chat team and community.

UPDATE: Learn about the most popular Rocket.Chat apps. Check out what our marketplace has to offer here.


GitHub makes it easy to store Git projects, track changes and stay organized when working on individual or team projects.

It's been used for projects as diverse as creating a repository for Gregorian Chants to storing the history of U.S. congressional districts to a popular open source team chat solution.

With the GitHub integration for Rocket.Chat you can receive alerts, commit events and make pull requests.

Learn how to integrate GitHub.


Another popular collaboration tool, Trello is a virtual whiteboard where teams and individuals can add notes, photos and attachments from other sources to collate what they're working on in one place.

With the Trello integration you can simplify your workflow with notifications on who has joined, contributed to or completed a project without needing to leave Rocket.Chat.

Learn how to integrate Trello.

eBook: Team collaboration guide


Although the integration for Guggy might not make you and your team more productive, it'll certainly make work a lot more fun.

Guggy is slash-style command for Rocket.Chat that sends your regular text message to Guggy, which then transforms it into a GIF.

Learn how to integrate Guggy.


The software development app favored by many product teams, Jira makes it easy to plan, track and ship software.

Linking Jira saves a team the manual work of copying and pasting status updates into Rocket.Chat.

By writing a messaged like "let's check out SUP-1234+'" you'll receive a summary of any issues mentioned in Jira without needing to leave Rocket.Chat.

Learn how to integrate Jira.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar helps teams to stay organized with shared calendars and event reminders.

The integration for Rocket.Chat posts details about any events scheduled for that day and updates team members when an event is changed.

Learn how to integrate Google Calendar


Another contribution from our passionate community, BitRocket integrates Atlassian BitBucket Server or Cloud with Rocket.Chat to send notifications for code pushes and pull requests or comments on pull requests to any branch.

Learn how to integrate BitRocket.


Sentry is an open source error tracking tool that helps developers track crashes in real time.

This integration works both for Sentry's site and the self-managed version.

Learn how to integrate Sentry.


Widely used by colleges and universities around the world, Moodle is a free and open source virtual learning environment.

The Moodle integration enables users to push students from Moodle into channels on Rocket.Chat. These channels correspond to their groups on Moodle.

Learn how to integrate Moodle.

Dead Simple Screen Sharing

Share your screen for free with no install or signup. There's also an open source version available on GitHub.

Create a meeting right from Rocekt.Chat by typing "screenshare" or any other trigger word of your choice.

Learn how to integrate Dead Simple Screen Sharing.


Spend less time arguing over where to order team lunches with rocket-chat-team-lunch, a community-built integration that picks a restaurant at random when you send a food emoji.

To make the integration even more efficient, you can add PDF food menus to the attachments field to view the restaurant's offerings without leaving Rocket.Chat.

Learn how to integrate rocket-chat-lunch-club.

With Rocket.Chat you can organize everything in multiple channels and centralize teams, projects, and discussions.

Rocket.Chat is an open-source platform adapted to the needs of your teams and customers and, through asynchronous communication, will increase the efficiency of your company, facilitate your day-to-day life and create secure and integrated communication environments.

Do you want to know other advantages of software such as Rocket.Chat for your business? Try it now.

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Gabriel Engel is the CEO and co-founder of Rocket.Chat, the leading open source communications platform.
Gabriel Engel
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Team collaboration: 5 reasons to improve it and 6 ways to master it
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  • Open source code
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  • Unmatched flexibility
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Looking for a secure collaboration platform?
Keep your conversations private while enjoying a seamless collaboration experience with Rocket.Chat.
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Cloud or on-prem deployment
  • Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
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Want to build a highly secure in-app chat experience?
Use Rocket.Chat’s APIs, frameworks, and managed backend to build a secure in-app or live chat experience for your customers.
  • Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
  • Highly secure and flexible
  • On-prem or cloud deployment
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