Why should you embed a group chat on your website?

Sara Ana Cemazar
January 23, 2024
min read

Talk is cheap, but silence is golden – unless you're running a website.

In the digital marketplace, the power of conversation can turn browsers into buyers and visitors into community members. Embedding a group chat on your website does more than just fill a silent space; it creates a hub of interaction and engagement. 

This guide will explore why embedding a group chat isn't just a modern luxury but a critical component for any website looking to thrive in an increasingly connected world.

Why should you embed a group chat on your website or in-app?

Embedding a group chat helps unlock potent strategies that can transform how your business operates and engages. Here is how it empowers you: 

1. Boost sales

A group chat acts as a dynamic sales assistant. For instance, potential customers browsing an e-commerce site can instantly connect with others to discuss products, leading to increased confidence in their purchasing decisions. 

This real-time chat interaction often results in a direct uplift in sales, as seen in case studies from leading online retailers.

2. Improve customer service

Customer service through group chats is like having a 24/7 help desk.

For example, a tech company can use group chat to provide immediate assistance, where users share solutions, reducing the workload on customer service teams and improving overall user satisfaction.

3. Encourage community building

Community building through group chats turns users into brand advocates. Take a fitness app; users sharing their workout tips and progress in a group chat create a supportive community. 

This sense of belonging leads to increased app usage and loyalty, a key factor in long-term business growth.

When integrating a group chat into your website or app, selecting features that enhance user experience and foster engagement is crucial. Here's a rundown of essential group chat features that can significantly impact your digital presence.

Group chat features to look for

Now, let’s look at the features that businesses need to provide an outstanding user experience and create a versatile platform for communication and engagement:

1. Direct messaging and group chats

embed group chat

The core of any chat feature is the ability to conduct both:

This dual functionality caters to different user needs – from one-on-one confidential conversations to more open, collaborative group discussions

For example, a project management tool utilizing this feature allows team members to discuss general topics in group chats while addressing sensitive issues in private messages.

2. Channels, threads, discussions

Channels organize conversations around specific topics, while threads keep discussions focused and manageable. These features are vital for maintaining clarity in communication, especially in larger groups. 

A classic example can be a company's internal communication platform, where different channels are dedicated to various departments or projects, ensuring that conversations remain relevant and on-topic.

3. Moderation features

Moderation tools maintain a healthy chat environment. They help administrators control the conversation flow and ensure compliance with community guidelines. 

Effective moderation might include features like message flagging, user muting, or banning, which are crucial for larger communities or public-facing chats to prevent spam and abusive behavior.

4. Messaging essentials: Reactions, replies, presence indicators, and more

embed group chat

The finer details in messaging, such as emoji reactions, threaded replies, and presence indicators (showing who is online), significantly enhance user engagement. 

These features add depth to conversations, making them more interactive and enjoyable. For instance, in a customer support chat, emoji reactions provide quick feedback mechanisms, and presence indicators let customers know when a representative is available to respond, streamlining the communication process. 

How to embed group chat?

Embedding a group chat in your website or app involves a few technical steps but can be streamlined by using a Chat Software Development Kit (SDK). Here’s a basic guide on how to proceed:

  • Research and choose a chat SDK: Analyze various Chat SDKs that suit your platform's needs. Look for SDKs with the required features, like message encryption, customizability, and scalability. Consider factors like platform compatibility (iOS, Android, Web), language support, and cost. Popular choices include Rocket.Chat, Firebase, and SendBird.
  • Set up the SDK: Once you’ve selected an SDK, the next step is to set it up. This usually involves creating an account with the SDK provider and accessing their development tools. For example, if you choose Firebase, you'll need a Google account to access Firebase Console, where you can create a new project.
  • Integrate the SDK into your platform: Integrating the SDK into your website or app typically involves adding a few lines of code provided by the SDK. This code will need to be inserted into the backend of your platform. 

Most SDK providers offer comprehensive documentation and support for this process. For instance, Firebase provides detailed guides and sample codes for various programming languages and platforms.

  • Customize the chat interface: After integrating the SDK, customize the chat interface according to your platform’s design and user experience requirements. This might involve tweaking the layout, color schemes, and adding features like notifications or file-sharing capabilities.
  • Test the chat functionality: Before going live, thoroughly test the chat feature to ensure it works seamlessly. Check for bugs and ease of use, and ensure that all integrated features function as intended.
  • Deploy and monitor: Once testing is complete, deploy the chat feature on your live platform. After deployment, monitor its performance and user feedback for any necessary adjustments or improvements.

Using a Chat SDK simplifies the process significantly, providing a robust framework you can customize to fit your specific needs and ensuring a smooth and efficient group chat integration into your platform.

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Sara is an SEO Strategist at Rocket.Chat. She is passionate about topics around digital transformation, workplace experience, open source, and data privacy and security.
Sara Ana Cemazar
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