Rocket.Chat 0.69 Released

Gabriel Engel
September 7, 2018
min read

Rocket.Chat is pleased to announce its release of Rocket.Chat 0.69 with the following highlighted features and changes!Additional 0.69.1 items and fixes are listed further down.

0.69 Highlights

  • Rocket.Chat Marketplace: our new app ecosystem
  • Beta support for Big Blue Button video conferencing system
  • Personal access tokens for users to create API tokens
  • Slackbridge: send attachment notifications
  • UI changes
  • Push notification improvements

Rocket.Chat Marketplace is live!

We've been working towards having an internal application platform that allows users to extend Rocket.Chat's functionalities and facilitate customization. With this release we are now ready to launch the first public iteration of our brand new apps ecosystem and our internal marketplace UI for admins. With Marketplace, you'll be able to build, browse, and download apps to customize Rocket.Chat More info in our latest blog post!


Beta support for Big Blue Button video conferencing system

BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system that we've been working to add as an option for video and voice calls. We are now releasing our first beta implementation that makes it possible to configure your own BBB server and start using it from inside rooms. We are working to increase the integration between Rocket.Chat and BBB for the next release so please try it and let us know your thoughts here.


Personal access tokens for users to create API tokens

This feature is disabled by default and only admins can enable it.


Once enabled, users will be able to generate consistent access tokens to be used within the APIs. It's possible to give them names and remove them when necessary. This kind of token does not expire automatically as the normal tokens does.These tokens can be used in place of the normal auth tokens received when a user logs in via the API, affording security by allowing users to delete the token which revokes access.


Slackbridge: send attachment notifications

There have been many conversations where the other party didn't realize a screenshot/text file had been uploaded and then the follow up messages had no context. In light of this, we wanted to create notifications to inform users that an attachment had been sent, so now they will see a message that a file was uploaded and can then take action (switch group chat tools) to view it.Until we have full bi-directional file uploading supported via the SlackBridge, we'll at least post a message so that one knows it occurred.

UI changes

  • The role tag is now lighter
  • Unread items are now bolder

Push notification improvements

We've verified a few issues that were preventing some push notifications from being sent:

  • A race condition on the client connection process was indicating a permanently online status for some users, which then meant new notifications for those specific users would not be sent
  • Any db connection issue was causing the notifications queue to stop sending notifications

With both these fixes we expect to have fixed the main causes preventing push notifications from being sent.

Other new features

  • REST endpoint to manage server assets
  • Rich message text and image buttons
  • Setting to enable/disable Slackbridge reactions
  • Setting to block unauthenticated access to avatars
  • Setting to give users the power to set a JS/CSS CDN

Smaller Improvements

  • Start storing Livechat department within rooms
  • Escape parameters before send them to email template
  • Warn about push settings that need server restart
  • Role tag UI
  • Messagebox fix performance
  • Add template tag #{userdn} to filter LDAP group member format (by crazy-max)
  • Add nyan rocket on Rocket.Chat preview Docker image
  • Reducing saveUser code complexity

Bug Fixes

We fixed lots of bugs for this release, including:

  • Message attachments was not respecting sort and lost spacing (#11740) Before:
  • After:
  • Livechat rooms starting with two unread message counter (#11834)
  • Delete removed user's subscriptions (#10700)
  • Some assets were pointing to nonexistent path (#11796)
  • Login logo now centered on small screens (#11626 by @wreiske)
  • Before:
  • After:

For more bug fixes and a full list of minor changes, visit the Rocket.Chat 0.69 release changelog


Bug fixes

  • Hipchat import was failing when importing messages from a non existent user (#11892)
  • Hipchat importer was not importing users without emails and uploaded files (#11910)
  • App updates were not being shown correctly (#11893)
  • Duplicated message buttons (#11853 by @ubarsaiyan)

Contributors of 0.69 & 0.69.1


As ever, we send a heartfelt thank you to all those who contributed to this release, we couldn't have done it without you!

Core Team


These versions require the following engine versions:

  • Node: 8.11.3
  • NPM: 5.6.0

Release changelogs

For a full list of features added and bugs fixed, please see the full Rocket.Chat 0.69 release changelog and the 0.69.1 release changelog on GitHub.Download Rocket.Chat 0.69.1 and install it via a Snap, Docker or from scratch on your server.

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Gabriel Engel is the CEO and co-founder of Rocket.Chat, the leading open source communications platform.
Gabriel Engel
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