Rocket.Chat Android 3.1 Released

Julia Grala
November 5, 2018
min read

Rocket.Chat is proud to announce a new release of its Android native application, version 3.1, now available on Google Play!

Highlights include:

  • Improved support for attachments with fields and colors;
  • Added support to basic HTTP authentication;
  • Added support to Copy Permalink from a message;
  • Improved file compression on uploading;
  • Updated the application icon for all Android versions;
  • Do not show last message when searching for some rooms/users;
  • Fixed CAS authentication method;
  • Fixed GIFs that were not always being animated


Thank you all for helping us on this release!

Release changelog

For a full list of features added and bugs fixed, please see the Rocket.Chat Android 3.1 release changelog on GitHub.

If you enjoyed the update, leave us a positive review on Google Play!

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Julia is a Marketing Operations Manager at Rocket.Chat.
Julia Grala
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