White label messaging app: 5 benefits and best practices

Sara Ana Cemazar
May 26, 2022
min read

Organizations know the power of communication, and they also know the power of branding. That’s why they’re increasingly looking to purchase white label messaging apps.

These apps allow them to connect with their customers or enable their employees to connect internally via instant messaging. Messaging apps can also be implemented as an in-app chat to guide users through the app or website.

In this article, we bring you the following:

  • Biggest benefits of white label messaging apps
  • Most useful features of white label messaging apps
  • Best messaging apps practices
  • More about secure communication with Rocket.Chat’s messaging app

Let’s start!

Why use a white label messaging app?

When they realize they have to implement a messaging app to support their growing business, business leaders can either decide to invest in developing a custom-made messaging app or to purchase a chat solution from another provider.

A custom-made messaging app can fit with their product perfectly. It can have all the features that a business might need. However, the advantages of white label messaging apps will probably outweigh the benefits of custom-made messaging apps. Here’s why:

white label messaging app

1. Takes less time and resources to implement, run, and maintain

The main reasons that organizations acquire white label messaging apps? It’s easy, fast, and cost-effective. 

Messaging app vendors made it their core business to deliver a chat app to other organizations. Therefore, you would be saving a lot of time and resources that go into app development, testing, running, and maintaining.

Besides, companies can hardly spare their developers - and it rarely makes sense to have them focus on a side-project such as a messaging app. It’s inefficient in terms of resources, and it would take more time than purchasing an almost ready-to-use product from a white label messaging app vendor.

2. High-quality chat app at your fingertips

As said before, messaging apps’ vendors' core business is to deliver a messaging app. Therefore, you can bet that it’s high-quality - otherwise, they’d run out of business!

White label messaging apps are designed for companies that want advanced messaging features under a branded app. Their reputation and business rest on the quality of app. Even though you might think that a custom-made app might suit your business needs better, today’s white label messaging apps have a wide array of customization options. 

3. Achieving brand alignment across different platforms

Research shows that brand consistency can improve revenue by up to 23% - yet, fewer than 10% of B2B companies say their branding is very consistent.

White labeling refers to the practice of applying your own branding to the products or services of another organization. Therefore, organizations can extend the look and feel of their product to the messaging app they’re adding to it. This includes brand colors, fonts, images, and logos.

Brand consistency contributes to brand recognition and trust from customers, prospects, and employees.

4. Engaging customers and app users

Organizations that introduce messaging apps do it to better serve and engage their customers or product users. In general, research shows that engaging B2B customers successfully can lead to 63% lower customer churn

white label messaging app

Knowing that retaining customers is six to seven times less expensive than attracting new ones, it’s important to invest in customer engagement methods.

Customer service agents can engage with customers via a white label messaging app. Also, many chat app providers offer chatbots that organizations can implement to automate conversations with customers or product users.

5. Applying secure communication practices

Secure communication is a must for businesses today. Sensitive customer data simply cannot be compromised. White label messaging app providers are very aware of this, and they often deliver their products and services to organizations in highly regulated industries, such as government & defense, healthcare, or others.

Additionally, businesses can enhance security by utilizing encryption protocols and incorporating features like two-factor authentication and secure file sharing. Integrating a secure QR code generator into your workflow can help secure data sharing and transmission.

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Secure messaging apps include features such as end-to-end encryption, on-premise hosting, multi-factor authentication, and others. Take a look at our resources on the topic:

➡️ Why organizations look for secure messaging apps

➡️ 18 most secure messaging apps on the market

➡️ 6 ways to keep your data safe

➡️ Most important data privacy regulations and tips

What features to look for?

You’re looking for a white label messaging app to provide a seamless customer experience to your customers - or maybe to brand your own internal communications. What features should you be looking for exactly?

Customization features

See if you can customize the messaging app with your own logo, colors, languages, fonts, and more. You want to make it to have a familiar look and feel.

Security and reliability

You can never pay too much attention to security - make sure that your future messaging app upholds all the security standards it needs to.

2-way communication

This one should be obvious - but there are also messaging apps that support 1-way communication and serve more as a notification sending mean. Make sure to clear this up when talking to the messaging app provider.

It depends on how far you want to go and for what purposes you’re getting the app, but you should also consider checking if the app supports audio and video calls.

Rich media support

Rich media includes images, video, and audio. It’s useful to have your future messaging app support these since rich media can help you engage your audience better.

Push notifications 

Push notifications are a useful way to get your customers’ attention, but it’s also important to give them the option to opt out of them. Make sure your white label chat app allows you to manage push notifications.

white label messaging app

Best practices

If you’re acquiring a white label messaging app, you should consider implementing these best practices:

Chatbot integration

Adding a chatbot to your messaging app can be useful in several ways. In general, chatbots can help you automate certain procedures and save time for your customer service team. They re-route their questions and filter out the ones that can be easily solved from those that need extra attention.

Research has shown that 68% of consumers like chatbots because they provide quick answers. Knowing that people want instant information nowadays, you should consider integrating chatbot capabilities with your white label messaging app.

Prebuilt answers to FAQs

If you’re implementing a white label messaging app to talk to your customers, you’ll find it useful and time-saving to have a base of prebuilt answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). This will improve your team’s productivity as well.

Knowledge base articles

Here are some interesting facts: 70% of customers would rather use the company’s website to get answers to their questions instead of calling or sending an email. Moreover, 40% of consumers expect to receive assistance in 5 minutes or less, while 31% expect instant online help.

white label messaging app

The knowledge base can help your customers to find answers on their own. In addition, it’s a great resource for onboarding new team members. You can also connect it to your chatbot to provide assistance to customers.

Omnichannel coverage

To achieve maximum connectivity, messaging apps should interoperate with other communication solutions. Omnichannel communication would allow your customer support teams to more efficiently handle incoming customer requests. 

Secure white label messaging app from Rocket.Chat

Rocket.Chat has been equipping companies with a highly-secure & customizable team collaboration solutions. We decided to take things further and allow organizations to enable team communication under their own name and brand - and make communications truly their own.

white label messaging app

Moreover, our omnichannel and in-app chat solutions that support communication with customers can also be white-labeled. With Rocket.Chat’s expertise in messaging functionalities and your own branding, you can give your customers a truly exceptional conversational experience.

Learn more about our products and services:

..or get in touch with our team to see how you can leverage Rocket.Chat’s features under your own brand.

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Sara is an SEO Strategist at Rocket.Chat. She is passionate about topics around digital transformation, workplace experience, open source, and data privacy and security.
Sara Ana Cemazar
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Want to build a highly secure in-app chat experience?
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  • Highly secure and flexible
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