Patient experience: 5 best practices

Rocket.Chat Content Team
July 2, 2024
min read

Patients have high expectations from healthcare providers to receive top-notch, empathetic treatment. 

Therefore, understanding the necessity of a positive patient experience is a critical step toward delivering holistic, patient-centered care. It encompasses all touchpoints that a patient has during their healthcare journey, including care from their doctors, nurses, staff, and healthcare facilities. 

A positive experience is associated with better health outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and improved adherence to treatment plans. 

Following well-developed patient experience best practices can ensure your healthcare services meet expectations while complying with stringent guidelines in this domain.

Why patient experience matters and keys to success

72% of people are willing to switch providers to seek a better medical experience. A better patient experience often leads to:

  • Improved health outcomes.
  • Effective illness prevention and management.
  • Higher patient loyalty and retention.
  • Increased patient satisfaction.
  • More hospital safety and technological quality.
  • Improved financial performance among healthcare providers.

Patient experience: how to succeed?

By examining several components of the patient experience, one can determine the extent to which patients are receiving care that is respectful of and sensitive to their unique preferences, needs, and values.

Evaluating patient experience along with other factors such as effectiveness and safety is critical for providing a whole picture of positive healthcare quality.

Furthermore, a great patient experience increases loyalty. Patients who are satisfied with their healthcare practitioner are more inclined to return and suggest them to others. This not only provides a consistent cash stream but also improves the organization's reputation.

The healthcare industry is working to generate a positive patient experience in order to enhance healthcare outcomes by adopting new tactics such as patient engagement healthcare apps and other digital technologies for patient involvement and communication. 

To sum it up, understanding the patient journey, creating an experience-centric culture, optimizing the care environment, customizing care delivery, and continuously assessing and improving practices are all critical components of success in improving patient experiences. 

Patient experience best practices to improve their experience 

Clearly, improving the patient experience is a cornerstone of modern healthcare, necessary for fostering trust and satisfaction while attaining improved health outcomes. 

Here are some patient experience best practices you can adopt:

1. Understanding the patient journey

Understanding the patient journey entails mapping out all patient touchpoints before, during, and following clinical sessions. This comprehensive mapping aids in the identification of common pain locations and areas for improvement. 

A patient journey map, for example, could highlight excessive wait times at check-in or uncertainty over prescription instructions after discharge.

Common pain points and areas for improvement

Patients are frequently frustrated by long wait times, confusing healthcare communication, and difficulty navigating the healthcare system. 

Identifying these pain points enables companies to focus on particular changes, such as using digital signage for better wayfinding or giving educational materials in different languages to increase comprehension.

Using journey mapping to identify experience gaps and opportunities

Healthcare organizations can undertake targeted solutions after identifying these shortcomings. 

For example, optimizing the check-in procedure using online pre-registration and visible signage can dramatically shorten wait times. 

Similarly, offering both written and spoken drug instructions might assist patients grasp their treatment programs.

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 2. Building an experience-centric culture

Creating an experience-centric culture begins with prioritizing the patient experience. Leaders must emphasize the value of the patient experience and allocate resources to support relevant projects.

Training staff on experience principles

Training employees on experiential concepts, such as empathy, effective communication, and patient-centered care, is also essential. 

For example, Cleveland Clinic's "Communicate with H.E.A.R.T." program improves staff empathy skills, strengthens personal ties with patients, and increases patient comprehension and satisfaction. This has resulted in significant increases in patient satisfaction scores and overall treatment quality.

Examples of experience champions within leading healthcare organizations

Organizations such as the Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic have created positions and programs focused on the patient experience. These champions develop projects and foster an environment in which the patient experience is paramount.

Healthcare businesses may build an experience-centric culture that improves patient happiness and results by focusing on leadership commitment, extensive training, and rewarding experience champions. 

Regular award programs and patient communication platforms reinforce the value of patient experience throughout the organization.

Harvard Business Review suggests that with better patient experience, hospitals see increased readmission and retention rates. 

3. Optimizing the care environment

Improving patient experience in healthcare goes beyond medical treatment and includes the environment in which care is administered. 

Optimizing the care environment through careful design, efficient operations, and the use of technology can dramatically increase patient happiness and outcomes.

Designing spaces that are comfortable, private, and efficient

The physical care environment has a tremendous impact on the patient experience. 

For example, including nature-inspired artwork and soothing color palettes in patient rooms might aid in relaxation and healing. Adjustable lighting and temperature settings personalize the environment and improve patient comfort throughout rehabilitation.

Reducing wait times through process improvements

Reducing wait times through process improvements is another important element. Implementing electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals enables seamless check-in and access to information, minimizing administrative burdens for patients and staff. 

Additionally, real-time appointment status updates and automatic reminders via SMS or email help keep patients informed and involved, reducing frustration and increasing overall satisfaction.

Technology for easy check-in, information access, and more

Technology can improve the patient experience by making processes more efficient. Patients can use patient portals to make appointments, check their medical records, and contact their healthcare professionals online. 

Integrating telehealth services increases access to care, especially in remote or underserved areas, supporting continuity of care and patient-centered results.

Examples of innovative care settings that prioritize experience

Innovative care spaces, such as the University of Virginia Health System's emergency department, prioritize speed and patient experience by providing a separate fast-track section for less essential situations. This design minimizes wait times and ensures that patients receive prompt care. 

4. Personalizing care delivery

Personalized care delivery entails adjusting communication techniques and teaching resources to each patient. Some patients may prefer extensive explanations and printed materials, whilst others may benefit from visual aids or digital tools like patient chat apps.

Involving patients and families in care decisions

Involving patients and families in care decisions is another critical component. 

The Mayo Clinic's Shared Decision Making National Resource Center is a perfect example, offering tools and resources to help patients participate in care decisions and ensure treatment plans are aligned with their preferences and values.

Using data and insights to anticipate needs

Using data and insights to predict patient needs is also critical. For example, predictive analytics can assist in identifying patients at risk of readmission and enabling preventative interventions. 

Automated warnings and individualized care plans based on patient-specific data improve care coordination, reducing care gaps and enhancing health outcomes.

Addressing the whole patient, not just clinical concerns

Addressing the whole patient entails including social, emotional, and psychological components in treatment strategies. 

For example, adding mental health and social services into care plans can greatly improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. Multidisciplinary care teams work together to address complicated needs holistically, improving overall well-being and long-term health maintenance.

5. Measuring and improving continuously

To continuously measure and enhance the patient experience, patient feedback must be collected via surveys, comments, and other means. This feedback offers useful insights into patient's perceptions and experiences.

Analyzing data to identify strengths and opportunities

Data analysis can help discover strengths and chances for growth. For example, Press Ganey surveys provide extensive input on numerous parts of the patient experience, allowing companies to identify particular areas that require work.

Developing an agile approach to rapidly testing and iterating

Creating an agile strategy for testing and iterating changes ensures that projects are both effective and relevant. 

For example, the Patient Experience Innovation Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital uses rapid-cycle testing to quickly develop and refine patient experience projects. Frontline staff and patients provide iterative feedback loops to validate suggested changes, ensuring they correspond with patient expectations and organizational goals.

Elevating healthcare communication with Rocket.Chat

The value of improving the patient experience and ensuring secure communication in healthcare cannot be emphasized. A positive patient experience improves health outcomes, increases patient satisfaction, and strengthens patient-provider relationships. 

Secure messaging apps for communication are equally important because they preserve patient privacy, assure regulatory compliance, and build trust in the healthcare system.

Rocket.Chat distinguishes itself in this area with its safe, HIPAA-compliant software, and user-friendly communications platform. It equips healthcare businesses with the tools they need to ensure smooth and secure communication among team members, improving both patient care and operational efficiency.

Rocket.Chat's end-to-end encrypted messaging app protects sensitive patient information, while its user-friendly interface allows staff to simply adopt and operate the platform successfully.

As healthcare evolves, safe and efficient communication tools become increasingly important. We encourage healthcare businesses to explore Rocket.Chat's comprehensive features promote teamwork and patient communication in a secure environment.

Help your healthcare organization's communication and patient experience reach new heights with their secure team collaboration solutions.

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